
Profiles here are used to describe tastes and preferences of EATCLUB members so you can better identify with them as you read this blog.

Name:  Bru
Title:  Chief Eating Officer
Food of the moment:  Chung guk jang (CGJ)
Drink of the moment:  NE IPAs
Fad of the moment:  Salted caramel anything
Dislikes:  Raw celery and stinky tofu
Strangest thing you ate:  Green tea salad in Myanmar
Type of eater:  Adventurous opportunistic vegan
Hot or Not:  Thermo-nuclear please
Looking forward to:  REAL Thai food
Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, or unami:  All at the same time
Eating advantage:  Iron stomach
Really wants to try:  Proper po’boy
Can’t live without:  Decaf coffee

Name:  Teeth
Title:  Southern correspondent
Food of the moment:  Oysters, crabs and other crustaceans
Drink of the moment:  Coconut water, valid health claims or not
Fad of the moment:  Fro Yo and bacon
Dislikes:  Gizzard
Strangest thing you ate:  bone marrow
Type of eater:  Fast
Hot or Not:  Sweating, crying sniffling hot
Looking forward to:  Babbo and Luger’s
Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, or unami:  Sweet
Eating advantage:  Unbelievably expandable stomach
Really wants to try:  Mean green juice
Can’t live without:  Chocolate & coffee

To submit your own profile, send an email to eatclubber [at] gmail-dot-com with the answers to the above questions along with a picture.

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